About me
Welcome to Binary Mindset!
My name is Iván and I am the dude behind this blog.
Let me introduce myself:
I am 30 years old, I come from Madrid, Spain, and I live in Germany since 2016. I graduated as a Telecommunications Engineer at the University Carlos III of Madrid, and all my professional experience has been around software development in different areas.
I am passionate about everything related to technology, so this blog will be a very small part of myself where I will try to record my experiences and thoughts about different topics.
Why did I start blogging?
Technology advances extremely fast and being a software developer means that we have to be self disciplined. For example, there are lots of tools and frameworks we do not use at work but we would like to learn, maybe because we want to try them out for a personal project or just for fun, so that is one of the main reasons why I decided to start writing this blog.
I thought having a blog would help me in several ways, like allowing me to keep track of the things I have done, using the posts as documentation where some code examples are available to use.
Learn by sharing
Internet is a powerful tool and I have learnt a lot from other developers’ blogs, so I thought I could also share the things I have done so far and maybe help others.
Helping others is comforting and a big motivation to keep working on it and do even better.
Feedback is welcome
In my opinion, the only way to improve yourself is by getting feedback from other people. Sometimes we do not realize that we are doing something wrong or we think we are doing it right because we have always done it that way. That’s a mistake.
On every post there is a comments section, so please feel free to share your opinions and help me to improve! Or if you prefer it you can use the contact page and send me a message, I would really appreciate it.